The Camp Ararat Board of Directors and team of volunteers work to provide an environment where youth can experience Christian faith and Armenian heritage in a fun, safe and educational setting while developing skills in fellowship and service to their church and community.
Camp Ararat counsellors are carefully interviewed and selected through a three step evaluation process. Most of our staff have been part of Camp Ararat over the last 16 years graduating from our best behave campers to eager counsellors-in-training and finally compete to volunteer as counsellors and mentors to the new generation of Camp Ararat campers.
Camp Ararat cannot run without a resident nurse as well as a generous nutrition plan that offers healthy options and accommodates for food allergies and intolerance in a nut free environment. Finally, a healthy life style must incorporate physical activity so at camp we encourage campers to try new sports without fear.
Campers have the opportunity to explore various aspects of Armenian heritage, both old and new, through fun crafts, games and hold discussions presented by their counsellors and mentors.
During the week of camp, under the auspices of the Diocesan Primate, our Priests guide us in the teachings of the Armenian Apostolic Church through carefully crafted faith building classes.
Campers have the opportunity to get to know the rest of the age groups by participating in larger mixed groups that have them playing games, and solving puzzles cooperatively.
Once campers swimming abilities are evaluated by trained lifeguards they have the opportunity to swim in lakes and pool, canoe, kayak, snorkel and paddle boat as well as enjoy water games.