$900 per CIT before June 21st $950 afterwards follow registration for details.
Fees are reimbursable until July 1st in accordance with public health guidelines.
GTA transportation will leave from Holy Trinity Armenian Church Aug. 17 at 10 am, returning Aug. 24 around 4 pm.
Ottawa and Montreal transportation will be leaving from St. Mesrob Armenian Church in Carlsbad Springs at 10 am and returning approximately around 5-6 pm.
Please do not hesitate to email us at info@campararat.ca or call Ani Altounian at (416) 473-3921 with any questions.
All Counsellors in Training (CIT) applicants must:
(a) be a least 17 years by Dec. 31st (Note: subject to camp/leadership experience and will receive high school volunteer hours accordingly),
(b) complete this application form and return it no later than May 11th,
(c) be prepared to participate in pre camp meetings,
(d) provide the registration fee upon acceptance by June 21st.